1st Half Summer Term:

During this half term, our class theme will be The Seaside. In RWI, we will be reading books and talking with our RWI partner about what we have read, showing our understanding. We will also be reading books linked to the seaside theme. In Mathematics, we will be verbally counting forwards and backwards to 10 and exploring numerical patterns. During Understanding the World, we will be planting vegetable and flower seeds and transplanting them into the outdoor garden – learning about what plants need to grow.


2nd Half Summer Term:

During this half term, our class theme will be The Seaside. In RWI, we will be reading aloud simple sentences and book using our phonic knowledge. In Mathematics, we will be composing and decomposing shapes and exploring volume and capacity. During Understanding the World, we will be looking at processes and changes in the natural world – looking at changing states of matter. We will also be conducting experiments involving floating and sinking and learning about the life cycle of a plants and animals.