1st Half Summer Term

This half term, our theme is ‘Living and Growing’. We will be reading the story Jack and the Beanstalk and writing simple sentences based on what we have read, including descriptive sentences about the characters. In Maths, we will be introducing the idea of multiplication and division to the children, focussing on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We will also be improving our knowledge of place value when looking at numbers to 100 by saying how many tens and units each number has. Our science unit this term is ‘Plants’. We will be looking at different types of trees and how they change through the different seasons. We will also be planting our own garden seeds and learning how to look after them to make sure that they grow. Our author focus for this half term is Hans Christian Anderson, we will be finding out more about him and sharing the various fairy tales he has written.


 2nd Half Summer Term

This half term our theme is ‘Over the Ocean’. In Humanities, we will be learning about the Atlantic Ocean and locating it on a map. We will also be learning about the famous explorer Christopher Columbus and how he discovered the Americas. In Science, we will be learning about the seasons of the year and how they are different. As part of our maths learning, the children will be learning how to tell the time to the nearest half an hour. They will also be looking at the different coins and notes that we use and discovering how much they are all worth. Our author focus this term is John Burningham. We will be finding out all about this famous author and sharing the many stories he has written, including Mr Gumpy’s Outing.