1st Half Spring Term:


In Year 3 our class theme will be Charlotte’s Web. In Literacy, we will be focussing on narrative writing and exploring the classic children’s book Charlotte’s Web to write our own retell using direct speech and descriptive phrases. Our Author focus for this term is E.B White who is the author of Charlotte’s Web – we will explore other stories written by him too!


In Science we will be learning about rocks, soil and how fossils are formed. We will learn about the work and life of palaeontologist Mary Anning as part of this unit and why she is renowned for her scientific discoveries.


The children will be taught team games on a Monday afternoon and hockey on a Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure that your child has the correct sports kit (jogging bottoms, plain white t-shirt and a change of footwear for outdoor PE) so they do not miss out on these fantastic opportunities.




2nd Half Spring Term:


Our class theme in Year 3 will be The Stone Age to the Iron Age.


During this half term our history topic will be Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Our literacy learning will support our history topic through stories and information texts. This will help us to produce a range of written work around this context. In Science lessons we will be learning about the process of fossilisation and the composition of soil.


The children will be taught Dance on a Monday afternoon (indoor) and hockey on a Tuesday afternoon (outdoor). Please make sure that your child has the correct sports kit (jogging bottoms and a change of footwear for outdoor PE) so that they do not miss out on these fantastic sporting opportunities.