1st Half Spring Term:


During this half term, we return to narrative writing and focus on including amazing description to help the reader. We will be reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C S Lewis to inspire our writing. In Mathematics, our focus will be to continue to develop our speed and accuracy in arithmetic lessons. As well as this, we will be continuing our daily focus on recall of times tables to 12 x 12 and improving our written methods for multiplication and division, along with thinking about fractions. In Science, we will learn how sound is made and conduct fair test and other investigations to help us understand how sound travels and can be altered.


Outdoor P.E will be focussing on Hockey. During indoor P.E, children will be revising their gymnastic skills and using them to create their own floor routines.


2nd Half Spring Term:

During this half term, we change to study The Ancient Maya, with a focus on the Geographical and Historical elements of this fascinating ancient culture. Our Mathematics will continue to develop the children’s understanding of fractions and begin to make the links between these and decimals. Daily times tables lessons will continue, helping the children rapidly recall all their times tables facts to 12 x 12. In Science, our learning will change focus to look at Electricity and electrical circuits.


P.E will continue to focus on Hockey, with both lessons taking place outdoors. Our second P.E lesson will look at Tag Rugby.